Saint John Theatre Company community theatre
Theatre New Brunswick, Fredericton (professional theatre)
Chickadee Chapter of Needlearts
Embroiderer's Guild of
Fredericton Email
Meetings are at 7:00 p.m. on the last Monday of the month, September, October, and January to May at
Stepping Stone Senior Centre (Room C-6), 15 Saunders St., Fredericton, NB.
Kingston Peninsula Stitchers Guild Email
The Knotty Stitchers, Kingston Peninsula (Youth group) Email
The Pleasant Valley Stitchers, Belleisle
Meet 7 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of the
month at Belleisle Elementary School
Atlantic Canada
Fredericton Designer Weavers
Contact Karen
LeBlanc at (506) 457-1443 or 453-6996 for more information or to be included with the group's mailing list. Meets at
the Beaverbrook Art Gallery.
Fredericton Guild of Fibre Artists
Meets each Tuesday morning, September to June, at
the Forest Hill United Church. Contact (506) 459-1130.
Fredericton Knitting Group
This group meets the third Wednesday of each month
at 7 p.m. at the Stepping Stone Centre, 15 Saunders Street, Fredericton. Guests welcome.
Town and Country Machine Knitters Group,
Fredericton area Email
This club meets on the second Tuesday of the month
in members’ homes.
Machine Knitters Club, Moncton
Meets the second Tuesday of each month.
Southern New Brunswick Knitting Group
Sussex area group knitting for charity
Stitchery group,
Meets at 6:30 pm on the fourth
Monday of the month at Perth-Andover Middle School. Call 274-3995 for details.
Atlantic Canada
NS - Metro Machine Knitters. 3rd Tuesdays year round at the Sobeys Community Room on Cole Harbour Road from 7 pm until
8:30 pm for demonstrations and machine knitting discussions. Contact Margaret atmelanson@accesscable.net for more information.
Knitting Out Loud,
Meet on Tuesday nights at 7:30
ish until around 10:00 at the Wired Monk, located on the corner of Morris St and Hollis St.
Metro Machine Knitters,
the 3rd Tuesday
of the month at the Sobeys Community Room on Cole Harbour Road from 7 pm until 8:30 pm for demonstrations and machine knitting
discussions. Contact metromachineknitters@gmail.com
Akerley Quilters, Cambridge
The group meets at the Cambridge-Narrows municipal hall twice a month.
Chocolate River Quilters, Moncton
Cotton Mill Quilt Guild, Fredericton Email
Meets the third Monday of the month during the daytime.
Elm City Quilters' Guild, Fredericton
During the school year, the Elm City Quilters' Guild meets from 7pm to 9pm on the first Wednesday of each month
at the Gibson Memorial United Church in Fredericton, NB.
Fredericton Quilt Guild Email
New Brunswick's oldest quilting guild. Meets at the Johnson Avenue Seniors Centre on the third Tuesday of the month, 7:30
to 9:30 pm. This is a closed guild, with new members placed on a waiting list. Visitors to NB are welcome.
Grand Falls Gorge Quilt Guild, Grand Falls
Greater Moncton Quilt Guild, Moncton
We have a monthly meeting that is held at 7:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of
each month starting in September and ending in June of each year. The meetings are held at the Club D'Age D'Or on Elmwood
Drive in Moncton. Turn west at the lights at Dooley's.
We meet the second Thursday of every month at St. Andrews Anglican Church Hall.
Kennebecasis Valley Quilt Guild, Quispamsis Email
Monthly meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month, Sept. to June at 7:30 at the Quispamsis Civic Center. Meetings
consist of general business, show &tell, workshop and class signups, programs and more. We hold a yearly show in September.
Keswick Ridge Quilt Guild, Fredericton
Meets at 7 pm on the second Monday of each month at the Keswick Ridge United Church, Fredericton, NB
Marco Polo Quilting Guild, Saint John Email
Monday Morning Crafters, Hampton Seniors Centre
Northstar Quilt Guild, Bathurst Newsletter
Meet every 1st Tuesday of the month from September to June at 7:00 pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Douglas Avenue.
Everyone welcome! Contact : Donna Cormier Tel : (506) 546-6389
Florence Roussy Room, KC Irving Regional Centre 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month 8
am to 4 pm
Pioneer Quilters, Oromocto
Hazen Park Centre, Oromocto Meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Quilters and Crafters Group, Hampton
Meets at the Hampton Seniors Centre
Sackville Quilters' Guild, Sackville
Sackville Quilters’ Guild meets on the third Tuesday of each month from September to June from 7 to 9 p.m. If you
have an interest in quilting please join us. All levels of experience are welcome. Our focus is fun.
Please call (506) 364-9095 or (506) 536-2882 for more information and to confirm location of next meeting.
St. Croix International Quilters' Guild, St. Croix
(506) 466-3987
St. Anne's Crafters Guild, east Saint John
Sussex Vale Quilters Guild, Sussex Corner Email
Meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at St. John’s United Church Centre in Sussex Corner, NB. Exceptions:
One meeting in June and December. No meetings in July or August.
Up River Girls, Florenceville
Woodstock Quilt Guild Email
We meet the first Monday of each month at St. Gertrude's Church Hall at 7 pm.
Rug hooking
Carnegie Rughookers, Saint John
The Carnegie Rughookers took their name from the historic Carnegie Building at 20 Hazen Avenue which houses the Saint John
Arts Centre. The group meets every Friday morning from 9 a.m. to noon (from September to May) New members are welcome, whether
experienced or beginners.
Evening Matters, Fredericton
Meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Cathedral Church Hall on Church Street at 7 pm, September through
Heritage Rug Hooking Guild, Fredericton
(506) 454-3855
Kent Hookers/Hookeuses de Kent, Richibucto
This group meets on the second Thursday morning of each month, between 9 am and noon, at the Golden Age Club on Main Street.
Les Hookeuses du Bor'de'lo, Shediac
Past Time Matters Rug Hooking Group,
Past Time Matters meets the first and third Wednesdays of the month at the Hildegarde Fire hall on Hildegarde Street. Meetings
are between 10 am and 2 pm. An evening group of this club meets the first and third Mondays of each month at the Dieppe Community
College, Room 1123, from 7 to 9 pm.
St. Andrews Hookers
Meet every Wednesday in the Parish Centre (basement) of the Catholic Church of Saint Andrew. Corner of Parr (210) and King
Streets. All welcome.
Sunbury Shores Art and Nature Centre, St. Andrews
Tea Room Hookers, Sussex
Meet Tuesday mornings 10 am to noon and Thursday evenings 7 pm to 9 pm at the Sussex Seniors Centre, Princess Louise
Fredericton Designer Weavers
Contact Karen LeBlanc at (506) 457-1443 or 453-6996 for more information or to be
included with the group's mailing list. Meets at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery.
New Brunswick Designer Weavers
Saint John Heritage Spinners and Weavers
Group meets Wednesday mornings at the Anglican Bookstore on Princess Street.