Needlework New Brunswick

Swap Shop / Annonces classées

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Swap Shop / Annonces classées
Sew Much Good
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NB Fibre Community Statistics
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NB Needlework Timeline
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Creative minds
About NNB / au sujet de NNB

Janis McLaughlin of Fredericton and her remarkable blind sheep, Bandit.

Are you looking for fibre arts supplies or equipment? Or do you have some for sale? Post your message on this page. 

Post your notice

Do you have a stray skein of yarn or yards of fabric you don't know what to do with? Bought with good intentions years ago, they now stare at you balefully as you wrack your brain to remember what you intended to do with them? Here's your chance to get ideas on what to do with it or to swap it for something else.
Items wanted
Looking for your scrap or unwanted yarn.  We are making preemie hats, booties and mitts for NICS – Also if you would like to volunteer please let Nancy know.
Looking for sewing supplies. We create items for schools, women and animal shelters and other groups in need. Our work relies on donations of materials as we do not charge for the finished items.
We would most appreciate cotton material, light canvas/denim (especially in lengths of 2 yards or longer), corduroy, and other sturdy materials. Polar fleece and wool are also welcome.
Other items we regularly need are velcro, cord and shoe laces, buttons, grommets, elastic and fusible web.
Please contact Vanessa at  for details. Thank you!


Fibre animals

Looms for sale

 I have a 45-inch loom I would like to sell. I am not sure of the brand but it comes with a leclerc book, it's in very good condition. Has threads and some kind of electric pedal type thing. Probably the size of a kitchen table when put together. 
any interest in it, if someone wants to come look at it, I can be contacted by email : (April 2014)

Freecycle networks  What's better than FREE? Check these popular sites for a group in your area as members clear out their spare stuff! There are eight New Brunswick community freecycle networks as of April, 2006. Items have included everything from sewing machines to yarn and fabric as useful items are recycled.
Messages normally appear within one day of receipt

Email the webmaster
You know you're a fibre addict when...
you’d rather have purls than pearls.